Need an abortion?
No matter where you live, you have options.
If you are ready to plan your abortion, there are resources available to help you along the way.
Find an Abortion Provider
Laws and policies around abortion access seem to change overnight and can make it challenging and confusing to access abortion care. These resources can help you find a safe, trustworthy abortion clinic.
Make an Appointment
Make an appointment with a trusted clinic or telehealth provider. If you are concerned about cost, still make the appointment. Clinics do not charge to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
Determine the Cost
When considering how much money you need to pay for your abortion, be sure to include any travel costs and other practical needs associated with this care. Abortion funds can help if needed.
What to Expect
There are two common and safe ways to end a pregnancy. Knowing your options and understanding what to expect during your appointment can help put your mind at ease.
How to talk about abortion?
How to talk about abortion: A guide to stigma-free messaging (updated April 2023) provides useful tips and advice on what to consider when developing materials relating to abortion. The content includes examples of positive, rights-based messages, and how to avoid using stigmatizing language and images. This guide can be used by educators, advocates, programmers, health professionals and policy makers, among others, to help inform the development of a wide range of communication materials.